Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Jo Anna's Been in the Hospital (Amy)

So it's Tuesday, July 15 and Jo Anna has been in the hospital for over a week now. If you read her last post, then you know she wasn't feeling too well and as it turns out, she had pneumonia. Not good. She finally allowed her mother-in-law to take her in to the ER and they admitted her to the ICU almost immediately with a fever and low blood pressure. Like really low. Dangerously low. She was on 2 IV's and a PICC line, with fluids and antibiotics hooked up for about 2 days. She was moved to a regular room last Tuesday and we were hoping she'd go home on Wednesday but she's still there. She's getting better, so of course that's good, but man... Over a week in the hospital totally sucks. She's way behind on training, not that training is the most important thing going on, but this blog is about our marathon training and so that's what's happening with that. We're really hopeful that since she's always been more fit than I am that she'll be able to just sort of jump back in and do the 13.1 miles with me, walking.

I'm up to 4 miles now, moving on to 5 this week I think. It's been going well for me, though the last 2 weeks I haven't been doing every workout I'm supposed to. I've been depressed - I got laid off at my job, they eliminated my position due to budget cuts. But the way it happened, well it didn't make sense to anyone and it's a long story so I won't post it here. Email me if you don't know about it and want to know more. So I've been kind of down and trying to figure out my next steps. I was supposed to start a new position in my old office yesterday, doing Admin work for the group that runs the TNT program, which does the marathons, triathalons, etc. So working for the same group that I'm training with to do this thing. I thought that would be great and I was excited to get started. Then I went into the office at 9:00 a.m. and was told that they had just received an email from our home office stating there was a new policy and that they have to wait 30 days before rehiring someone after a termination. I'm so not happy. Being off for 2 weeks was one thing - being off for 30 days is something else entirely.

So I'm probably going to look at some job postings today, and I've joined the PartyLite team (finally) so if anyone is interested in doing a candle party, even a book party, let me know! I'll be needing to make the extra money.

Feel free to email me at azspiraldancer@aol.com or Jo Anna at jlarsonm9k@aol.com, we'd love to hear from you. We're struggling a bit right now and could use your encouragement and support...
