Wednesday, September 24, 2008

We're in the home stretch! (posted by Amy)

So Jo and I are in the home stretch. Less than 1 month from now we'll be in San Francisco, pushing our bodies to the limit, all in the name of fighting cancer. It's almost surreal.

Today I sent an email asking people to give up a Starbucks drink and donate the money instead. I've got 2 great prizes to offer so anyone who donates a min. of $5 for this challenge has a chance to win some Starbucks coffee beans, mugs, a gift card and chocolate. The beans and mugs were donated, I'll be providing the rest. In case you want to participate, here's the link to my site:

I feel so blessed to have a new job that pays well, good friends, a wonderful husband, terrific family, not to mention my health. My cousin Jon who is only 28 is currently battling metastasized melanoma and he's been fighting for over a year now. He was recently in the hospital for weeks and they finally let him go home, on the condition that he have Hospice Care ready to take care of him. He's not doing so great.

It just goes to show how much money is still needed to fund the research to save lives. While what I'm doing now supports blood cancer research, the treatments discovered almost always have applications in other types of cancer. Did you know that Chemotherapy was developed to treat childhood Leukemia? That's how it was discovered/invented. And now they use chemo to treat nearly every type of cancer out there. So funding cancer research, any kind of cancer research, helps save lives.

Next month I'll not only be walking the 13.1 miles for myself, and for Jo, and for little Hannah who lost her battle with Leukemia last year, but also for my cousin, Jon. I'm going to laminate a photo of him and pin it to my jersey. I wish I could do more, wave the magic wand and make him all better. Since I can't, I do this. I raise money to fight. Thanks for helping me in my battle.

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